Friday, September 24, 2010

A young photographer who is loud through images.

This photograph was shot by a girl aged 17.
Nothing special?


How about this, which was shot by a girl aged 16.
Still not attractive enough?

Well, this was shot by a girl aged 14/15.

All of these are by Nirrimi Hakanson. (More photos to be found in her website)
Forgive me not uploading more photos of her, because there's copyright and I couldn't copy her photo from her Flickr. Please check it out yourself. You may find some inspiration.

Anyways, it may be normal for most of the people out there.
But hey, do you still remember what were you doing while you're aged 14/15?

No doubt, she has the talent. Also, I like her attitude:
"i like pretty young things that i pull from the streets and film (i call what i shoot digital film, because it still has the colour). the sun is my lighting, the clouds my diffusers and i find studio images bland. if you want to be original you have to shoot outside the (literal) box. i want be a traveller and live, photographing realness."

"last year i became agency signed, shot a commissioned editorial for my favourite magazine and came first in the photography division of qantas spirit of youth and youth week awards. this year sees me shooting in new york and releasing a book. and next i want to write and create films. live dreams + be real!"

Btw, I actually get to know this from the PAPERFASHION blog, which I've introduced earlier : )

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Je t'aime vs. I love you

Lately, I have watched some movies.

So far, I really like this movie.
New York, I Love You.
Seriously, it's more than the trailer suggests. Watch it!! :)
Nice, nice, nice!
What more to say?
It's pretty intersting too with many directors shooting one film, MANY! 10, 11? Owh btw, I think they call this anthology film.

(ps: I want to thank my dear friend for sharing it and now it's my turn to share)

However, there are quite lots of negative reviews for this movie.
Although I agree that the storyline is flat, all love stories being connected together, the connection somehow makes the flat love stories beautiful and romantic, at least there are some space for you to interpret the story yourself, it is not too directly played.

Maybe, nowadays people are getting hopeless in a pure romantic relationship.
As I saw one of the reviews suggesting that romance is not all about one person attached to another and there is lack of tension/seduction/confrontation in the movie.
That is sad, very sad, but people love all the dramas and this is the reality, don't they?

Or, maybe, the negative reviews are true that the earlier film, Paris Je t'aime, by the same producer is much better.
Comparison and expectation.

Indeed, the trailer seems better.
I won't judge it too soon tho' until I've watched it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Destruction. Cornelia Parker.

Earlier, I came across this piece of art by Cornelia Parker.
I was stunned by the real thing. Believe me, it is much better and fascinating in real. I don't mean the photograph is not good, but you know, it's always the best to experience it by one self rather than seeing it through others' eyes.
I don't have the chance to take the picture I perceived through my own pinhole because there was the 'non-photograph-sign'.

It really calms me, like a dream, although with the destruction of the intruments.
I think the artist does really enjoy the destruction of objects and the aftermath.

"There’s a lot of violence in the making of these things, but a quiet aftermath. I take things that are worn out through overuse, that have become clichés, like the shed, a traditional place of rest and retreat, and I give them a more incandescent future. Explosions are very familiar from films and the news, but how many of us have seen one or even touched a piece of the debris?" She said.

The shed, the garden shed that was exploded under her request were recollected and re-established into another piece of art called Cold Dark Matter.

Destroy and rebuild? Consider it to be another way to see the 'dead things'. Or maybe, not a dead thing as it is given new value, probably a reborn.

Although I am not sure whether the artist was thinking that way, I recognise that she has special feeling towards destruction, while normally people do not even want to touch the charred pieces.

While Cornelia Parker working on the "Hanging Fire"

"It's sort of to do with fear," says Parker. "There's a lot of violence in the world, we're surrounded by potential catastrophe all the time. And somehow making calm installations about destructions, it sort of calms my fears."

I guess, the unique thinking of artists make them the artists and different from others whom the majority consider as 'normal' and 'reasonable'.

Does destruction mean more than destroying?