This was the film I mentioned to you before, don't laugh and don't discriminate it! I know it is a 'HBO movie'.. haha!
But there is really something about it!
And as I said, only the mid-to-the-last-part already caught my attention to finish the movie, and even want to find the full movie and the original documentary from 1975 to watch.
Grey Gardens (2009)
The one I watched in HBO. And I love the tagline: "True glamour never fades."
Grey Gardens (1975)
Truly eccentric people in their eccentric life, as described in the plot.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011

(I don't put the trailer because I don't hope it kills the mood for watching the movie. The movie is too good that I think the trailer could hardly present.)
It'll be one of the best chinese movie I've ever watched. For such a long time that I haven't seen a chinese movie as good as this. I'm really proud of it.
Also, I realised that, normally, such an unbelievable unconstrained plots are based on a novel.
Must watch it!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
街舞狂潮 (Hip-Hop Storm)
We have watched Step Up 1-3, and we do admire their passions very much.
Now, there is this Asian's version (I don't mean to compare between Asian and foreign's movies, but I just feel proud that there is something as good as Step Up even we have the very different cultures) : 街舞狂潮
This was awarded the best documentary (最佳紀錄片) for Golden Hourse Awards (金馬獎).
I came to know this and the director (蘇哲賢) when reading an interview in a magazine - The Big Issue (10th issue).
I was so impressed by this young director, I didn't know anything about him and I didn't even know who he is when I am reading the interview, until I saw the words in the end of the interview stated: "第一部紀錄片長片作品《街舞狂潮》榮獲第四十七屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片,並為金馬獎史上最年輕的長片導演."
Mind me quoted some words of him from the interview in the magazine (which I desperately want to share with you):
“一開始就是把零用錢丟出來,我用一萬塊開拍《街舞狂潮》。... 錢不夠就開始去接一些商業拍攝,當時念碩二,就狂接一些MV和廣告,想湊拍片的經費。可是MV就是超商業,我正在拍的又是紀錄片,那種狀況其實還蠻奇怪的,但也是很好的練習機會,因為這樣你才會了解一般人的想法,看到一些窗戶外的東西,而不是閉門造車。”
He met many obstacles during the whole process.
He needed some financial assistance to travel to Paris for some takes, he tried many ways but unsuccesful due to some rules and regulations, but he didn't give up and finally the universe did listen to his needs -
He didn't really believe but still tried and at the end he got it! According to him, it's just a small amount of money but at least that could be enough for him to afford a trip to Paris, he expressed gratitude that at least he did not need to just shoot the departure hall and arrival hall in Taiwan's airport for the 'Paris scene'.
After Paris, the obstacle still does not want to leave him alone; the leading character of the movie informed him that he doesn't feel like dancing anymore-
“本來阿倫(《街舞狂潮》的主角)也想說不要跳舞了, ...我以為這一切真的要結束了。就在那天,他接到了一通電話,上海舉辦了一個很大的比賽, 想邀請他當評審, ...你知道嗎?人在最低潮的時候,只要有個小小的理由讓你持續下去,你就不會逃走。”
At last, he said:
I am really inspired by this.
I just wanna spread this.
I know I am no one to encourage people to have dreams and to hold on to it;
I just hope that this would be helpful if there is someone who is struggling between dreams and the reality.
Most importantly, I think, is to find out what we really want; then only we could ask 'why'.
Wish everyone lives their own life :)
Forgive me for the long-winded 'speech'.
Now, there is this Asian's version (I don't mean to compare between Asian and foreign's movies, but I just feel proud that there is something as good as Step Up even we have the very different cultures) : 街舞狂潮
This was awarded the best documentary (最佳紀錄片) for Golden Hourse Awards (金馬獎).
I came to know this and the director (蘇哲賢) when reading an interview in a magazine - The Big Issue (10th issue).
I was so impressed by this young director, I didn't know anything about him and I didn't even know who he is when I am reading the interview, until I saw the words in the end of the interview stated: "第一部紀錄片長片作品《街舞狂潮》榮獲第四十七屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片,並為金馬獎史上最年輕的長片導演."
Mind me quoted some words of him from the interview in the magazine (which I desperately want to share with you):
“一開始就是把零用錢丟出來,我用一萬塊開拍《街舞狂潮》。... 錢不夠就開始去接一些商業拍攝,當時念碩二,就狂接一些MV和廣告,想湊拍片的經費。可是MV就是超商業,我正在拍的又是紀錄片,那種狀況其實還蠻奇怪的,但也是很好的練習機會,因為這樣你才會了解一般人的想法,看到一些窗戶外的東西,而不是閉門造車。”
He met many obstacles during the whole process.
He needed some financial assistance to travel to Paris for some takes, he tried many ways but unsuccesful due to some rules and regulations, but he didn't give up and finally the universe did listen to his needs -
He didn't really believe but still tried and at the end he got it! According to him, it's just a small amount of money but at least that could be enough for him to afford a trip to Paris, he expressed gratitude that at least he did not need to just shoot the departure hall and arrival hall in Taiwan's airport for the 'Paris scene'.
After Paris, the obstacle still does not want to leave him alone; the leading character of the movie informed him that he doesn't feel like dancing anymore-
“本來阿倫(《街舞狂潮》的主角)也想說不要跳舞了, ...我以為這一切真的要結束了。就在那天,他接到了一通電話,上海舉辦了一個很大的比賽, 想邀請他當評審, ...你知道嗎?人在最低潮的時候,只要有個小小的理由讓你持續下去,你就不會逃走。”
At last, he said:
I am really inspired by this.
I just wanna spread this.
I know I am no one to encourage people to have dreams and to hold on to it;
I just hope that this would be helpful if there is someone who is struggling between dreams and the reality.
Most importantly, I think, is to find out what we really want; then only we could ask 'why'.
Wish everyone lives their own life :)
Forgive me for the long-winded 'speech'.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Check the blog below, another nice pieces.
I think I am hunger for good music.
Cheuk Wan Chi: cocorosie: "cocorosie are two sisters, bianca 'coco' and sierra 'rosie' casady, who were born and raised in the united states. they started making ..."
Life is so good with sharings.
I think I am hunger for good music.
Cheuk Wan Chi: cocorosie: "cocorosie are two sisters, bianca 'coco' and sierra 'rosie' casady, who were born and raised in the united states. they started making ..."
Life is so good with sharings.
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Moldy Peaches. (Indie band)
You probably know the Juno song, yes, from the movie Juno.
Today, not talking about movie, but an indie band - Moldy Peaches.
(Alright, there are some discussions about the genre of the band - indie, indie rock, antifolk, blah blah blah - which I don't really give a damn as I'm not really sure about the diffrence. All I know is that the music is amazing, and that's enough.)
I don't know, but I think this gonna be a long post because I have so much to share! I feel like the passion is burning inside my heart after listening to so many good songs, beautiful unique voices and original indie music. Too much to be shared.
Well, cut the craps.
The Moldy Peaches is founded by Adam Green and Kimya Dawson, both of them are talented and despite their cooperation, their own musics are also refreshing and different.
First of all, here I present the Moldy Peaches cover for the 'Juno Song'- named Anyone Else But You.
I Forgot. No, not I forgot but yes, that is the title of the song - I Forgot.
(I saw one of the comments and which makes me smiled to myself: "the ten seconds of noises at the end surprised me.....but then again, they're the moldy peaches. They can make whatever kinds of noises they want.")
And I found that their lyrics are so ... funky? I don't know what word should I use to express my feeling. I just feel that they are very different.
Nothing Came Out.
I feel like they are in a conversations instead of singing. The feeling is so unusual.
Now, let's turn to Kimya Dawson, her voice is so pure. I feel relaxing by listening to her voice.
So Nice So Smart.
The Competition.
Her lyrics are so cute.
It's like she's just telling us her dairy story, like 'I'm reading, I'm singing now, I'm going to cook..yes, I am telling you a story.' Yet, it brings out some lessons.
I really like!
I Love You Sweet Baby.
The whole thing, music and the lyrics, is totally different from others!
Now, Adam Green:
Both of them, Adam Green and Kimya Dawson, do have the sense of humour.
I just can't help smiling when listening to their songs.
Dance With Me.
Nat King Cole.
What can I say?
They are genius.
Is that exaggeration?
But I really love their music.
I know I am too late to discover.
Anyway, there are much more, check them out!
Unfortunately I can't share all of them, too many!!
I've just spent my whole night clicking on their videos last night.
Hope you do like it.
Enjoy! :)
Today, not talking about movie, but an indie band - Moldy Peaches.
(Alright, there are some discussions about the genre of the band - indie, indie rock, antifolk, blah blah blah - which I don't really give a damn as I'm not really sure about the diffrence. All I know is that the music is amazing, and that's enough.)
I don't know, but I think this gonna be a long post because I have so much to share! I feel like the passion is burning inside my heart after listening to so many good songs, beautiful unique voices and original indie music. Too much to be shared.
Well, cut the craps.
The Moldy Peaches is founded by Adam Green and Kimya Dawson, both of them are talented and despite their cooperation, their own musics are also refreshing and different.
First of all, here I present the Moldy Peaches cover for the 'Juno Song'- named Anyone Else But You.
I Forgot. No, not I forgot but yes, that is the title of the song - I Forgot.
(I saw one of the comments and which makes me smiled to myself: "the ten seconds of noises at the end surprised me.....but then again, they're the moldy peaches. They can make whatever kinds of noises they want.")
And I found that their lyrics are so ... funky? I don't know what word should I use to express my feeling. I just feel that they are very different.
Nothing Came Out.
I feel like they are in a conversations instead of singing. The feeling is so unusual.
Now, let's turn to Kimya Dawson, her voice is so pure. I feel relaxing by listening to her voice.
So Nice So Smart.
The Competition.
Her lyrics are so cute.
It's like she's just telling us her dairy story, like 'I'm reading, I'm singing now, I'm going to cook..yes, I am telling you a story.' Yet, it brings out some lessons.
I really like!
I Love You Sweet Baby.
The whole thing, music and the lyrics, is totally different from others!
Now, Adam Green:
Both of them, Adam Green and Kimya Dawson, do have the sense of humour.
I just can't help smiling when listening to their songs.
Dance With Me.
Nat King Cole.
What can I say?
They are genius.
Is that exaggeration?
But I really love their music.
I know I am too late to discover.
Anyway, there are much more, check them out!
Unfortunately I can't share all of them, too many!!
I've just spent my whole night clicking on their videos last night.
Hope you do like it.
Enjoy! :)
Massimo Vignelli

I first saw Massimo Vignelli in Helvetica. Massimo is a modernist master in design, he advocates functionality, simplicity and clean layout in his works. In this great interview with Design Matters, he shares his philosophy in design and talks about his free book online for students, teachers, designers and people of love design to download and share.
'Lost in sofa'
If I could have this...

Then, I could loosen myself up by immersing in it with books and movies.
If I could have this...

Then, everything could get lost in it.


Even reading or watching movie with a cup of coffee.

'Lost in sofa' by DAISUKE MOTOGI.
Designer's words:
"Things often get lost under the sofa. It’s ordinary for a coin which slipped out of your pocket, or a never-to-be-found remote to be accidentally found in between/underneath the sofa cushions. Maybe you’ll find a forgotten 10,000 Yen bill that you once hid there…"
I discovered this sofa when I was flipping through a magazine, and immediately I fall for it.
I just cant help sharing this, I am in love with functional and convenient stuffs with comtemporary design. Most importantly, it looks nice and comfortable!
How nice if I could have a space for it...

Then, I could loosen myself up by immersing in it with books and movies.
If I could have this...

Then, everything could get lost in it.


Even reading or watching movie with a cup of coffee.

'Lost in sofa' by DAISUKE MOTOGI.
Designer's words:
"Things often get lost under the sofa. It’s ordinary for a coin which slipped out of your pocket, or a never-to-be-found remote to be accidentally found in between/underneath the sofa cushions. Maybe you’ll find a forgotten 10,000 Yen bill that you once hid there…"
I discovered this sofa when I was flipping through a magazine, and immediately I fall for it.
I just cant help sharing this, I am in love with functional and convenient stuffs with comtemporary design. Most importantly, it looks nice and comfortable!
How nice if I could have a space for it...
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Dutch photographer - Ruadh Delone.
Check this Dutch photographer out! - Delone Fotografie.
He did capture something else other than portraits, but it is mainly the portrait photography that takes my breath away.
He categorises the portraits under 'Faces'. Some of his works:

This is the first of his works that intrigues my interest.
There is a caption under the picture - 'Pain'



"DeLone seems to love taking portraits of himself and his children. His idea’s and concepts are amazing. Some images seem to make you feel uncomfortable purely because his children are used for most of his wacky idea’s, but they are very effective models and portray his idea’s well."
"As a child I drew a lot and only much later, in 2007, I discovered that a camera the same work but in 1/100th of a second.With manipulation of color, elements, etc. I make the final image to a personal result.My heart is definitely in portrait photography. This is characterized mostly by a touch of surrealism." (I believe that it's quoted from Ruadh Delone.)
He did capture something else other than portraits, but it is mainly the portrait photography that takes my breath away.
He categorises the portraits under 'Faces'. Some of his works:

This is the first of his works that intrigues my interest.
There is a caption under the picture - 'Pain'



"DeLone seems to love taking portraits of himself and his children. His idea’s and concepts are amazing. Some images seem to make you feel uncomfortable purely because his children are used for most of his wacky idea’s, but they are very effective models and portray his idea’s well."
"As a child I drew a lot and only much later, in 2007, I discovered that a camera the same work but in 1/100th of a second.With manipulation of color, elements, etc. I make the final image to a personal result.My heart is definitely in portrait photography. This is characterized mostly by a touch of surrealism." (I believe that it's quoted from Ruadh Delone.)
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